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Reiki and Hands-On Healing

Reiki is a powerful and gentle hands-on healing technique with a long history of aiding and healing in virtually every known illness. A treatment feels like a profound glowing radiance creating positive states of consciousness and spiritual experiences. My hands are placed over the individual's major energy centers and energy flows to the internal organs and throughout the nervous system. It works on all levels: mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual.


The benefits of a Reiki treatment are numerable. Reiki can be used as an aid for other treatments or by itself. Some of the advantages of a Reiki session include:

* Enhanced/shorter healing
* Pain reduction or elimination
* Optimism
* Heightened self-awareness
* Relaxation and stress reduction
* And much more …

Full Spectrum Healing

Full Spectrum Healing sees the human body and energy field, the “aura,” as made up of twelve distinct levels of conscious awareness. These levels correlate to a tone, frequency, and color. The body and aura can be seen as a rainbow spectrum of light, a full octave of music or both. If one of the frequencies is dulled, this will be experienced as disharmony within the system. This may manifest as physical discomfort or pain; emotional issues; or conflicts in relationship. If held chronically, this disharmony creates disease and will drain the system over time.

In performing Full Spectrum Healing I will charge, restructure, clear and energize each of the energy centers in the aura that may have become “blocked” or out of balance. These energy centers are known as “chakras.” The energy centers can become compromised due to traumas throughout a client’s life, or because they are under stress.

The result of limited energy in one of the centers is often pain or illness in a related part of the body. Once brought back into balance, the client will feel a sense of internal unity and peace that stimulates the immune response within them. The goal of Full Spectrum Healing is not simply to relieve pain but to create harmony within the entire system for a more vibrant and joyful life.

The twelve levels of consciousness are made up of seven chakra energy centers, along with five spiritual centers.​

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