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Nirodha Karma Healing

Do the same patterns appear in your life over and over again and you are not sure why? Or, maybe you are experiencing a problem that you just can’t get to the bottom of. It could be a subconscious belief that attracts this situation or pattern. Or, it may be that you are carrying a karma or energy from a past life.

By karma, I don’t mean that you did something wrong and now you have to pay back, I mean that something happened to you in a past (or current) life and you continue to emanate that experience through your energy system into this life. You keep attracting based on it.


Through Nirodha Karma Healing, I work with you to silent patterns that are not serving you in your life so that you stop attracting those situations. This this a powerful healing tool that can allow you to move beyond situations you may have thought were insurmountable.


I am a graduate of the Nirodha Karma Healing School in Acton, Mass.

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